Sunday, 2 November 2014

Welcome to the Teddy Orphanage at Grannys Attic - Blog 6

Welcome the sixth blog from me, Granny Annie, at the Teddy Orphanage at Grannys Attic on Groovycart. If you would like to read the profiles of all the bears that are hoping to be adopted please go HERE and then see the side list for Teddy Adoption. I have put HOW to adopt a bear at the bottom of the first 5 blogs, so see there - or it is self explanatory really.

Remember, the very first two bears to be adopted - Seamus and Threadie? Well here they are in their new home - having fun and helping out! Thank you so much to their new human friend for sending in the photos.

Above, Seamus, looking very small! - stacks the peat

Harry, the gardening bear was most interested in the potato harvest - and Joy, the little homebody, wondered if they are good cookers....

It's not all hard work......

What a super sandcastle - and aren't you two lucky, living in such a wonderful home, with all that fresh air and sea views
Threadie &Seamus bears on the beach - Uist

There would be only one thing that would make their world complete....

(And wishes do come true sometimes)

Wouldn't it be fun, thought Seamus, if my mate, Alexander was here with me.... and little Hugo, for Threadie....we miss them so......

And the kind human thought so too - and asked to adopt them!

Here they are, at the orphanage door, with their luggage, waiting for the taxi...

 Hugo was ecstatic! - 'I'm going to see Threadie' he told everyone -
'I'm going to LIVE with Threadie!!!!'
 But it was too much for Joy - more of the old friends were leaving, and she burst into tears - and Granny Annie had to help her wipe her nose!

After a while, a letter from Alexander arrived - he is a most polite and well brought up bear.

Hello Granny Annie,

At last we have arrived in Uist! It was a long way and the ferry was a bit rough, poor Hugo felt quite ill but I took care of him. It was so good to see Seamus and Threadie again, they gave us a lovely welcome and they are going to take us out exploring when the weather calms down a bit.

Lots of love,
Alexander and Hugo xxxx

The friendly human also sent a message telling me that the weirdest thing happened when the bears arrived - Hugo was giving Threadie a hug and Threadie squeaked!! She knew he had a squeaker but had never been able to make it work before or since - isn't it strange, she thought? 

I also received a photo of Walter, the very old bear, in his new home with his new friend, Pugsley. I think Pugsley's cheerful exuberance has given Walter a spring in his step. And his new human was kind enough to patch up his nose so he actually feels a lot younger than his 105 years! Pugsley looks in very good condition - he is a 1920's Omega boy.

Cicely, the little blind and deaf scrap of a bear, and her faithful friend, companion and carer, Guillaume had also been adopted - probably by the sweetest lady in the world! Granny Annie was trying to build up Cicely's strength before she went but the time has now come - and probably just as well, as you will read later.

Granny Annie's little granddaughter had a farewell tea party with Cicely and Guillaume in the middle as you can see. Cicely was wrapped in her rose-bud blanket, and it got covered in crumbs so Joy whisked it away afterwards for washing (she didn't want Cicely's new human to think she came from a messy orphanage! - even though it is!)

 In the above photo you can see Joy sitting next to Harry at the far end. She has a major crush on him and wishes he would notice her a bit more, but although they talk together about what he brings in from the garden for her to cook (and that's not much now we are into November) it's not personal. Poor Joy!...... but poor Nisbet too - he's the little black bear at the other end of the line. He has been quietly but madly in love with Joy from the very day he arrived at the orphanage. He's always there to fetch and carry for her, but does she notice a dapper little gentleman? not at the moment.
 Cicely, as always, is helped to eat the goodies

You might have noticed that Rosie, that rather self-centred pink bear, was not at the tea-party. This is because she has found herself a boyfriend! Radcliffe turned up out of nowhere and he and Rosie have much in common - they even look alike! In fact, sometimes you can't see where one ends and the other begins! They are now always spooning, mooning and flopping about the place - with occasional squeals from Rosie ....'Ooh Radcliffe, yes LET'S!' - to whatever he suggests!

I asked them to pose for a portrait, and Rosie only agreed if she could wear her hat (she's secretly thinking it's like an engagement portrait.... but he hasn't proposed!)

So it looks like whoever adopts Rosie will be having to adopt Radcliffe too!!! The other bears call them Romeo and Rosiette.

Some more new arrivals are the teenage twins, Bella and Tara - very pretty bears - Ty Razzmatazz. (They will be offered for adoption through ebay)

The young boy twins Charlie and Archie, think they are very cool - and admire from afar - before going back to their bows and arrows, mud pies, and stone collections.

Above, Charlie and Archie

The other twins, the ditsy fluffy pair, Pinky and Perky, are not too bothered by the big girls.....

in fact, they like them and wish they had beautiful stripey rainbow noses too.....sigh!

But what's this? Radcliffe seems to be getting some attention - and 'Rosiette' has her nose put out of joint!

Nisbet indulges himself with some dark fantasies - he imagines himself and Harry crossing swords and duelling at dawn for the hand of the fair lady, Joy....

Although he knows deep down that Harry is a nice bear and a good mate!.....Ooh he thinks 'mate'....not to Joy, he hopes....Don't over-think it, Nisbet, you never know what's going to happen. If  an old boy, Reg, can get married, then who knows what it's in the stars for a smooth, well set up bear like yourself? (Nisbet rushes off to consult his horoscope!) And talking about Reg, we haven't seen his wedding album yet.... hopefully by next blog!

Harry went with Cicely and Guillaume for a pre-journey day out to Painshill Park which they all enjoyed.

 A peaceful view over the lake
 Then a fun photo with the colourful Autumn gourds

And Harry had to check out the little cloches before we left!

So now's the time for Cicely and Guillaume to be off..... ALL the bears said goodbye to this very favourite and special pair, but I can't show all the photos, it would take too long, and break your heart!

 Above - Even big Theo stirred himself to say farewell

Then Joy ironed Cicely's rosy blanket....

 And she was wrapped up snugly for the journey. Joy and Brie waited with her while Guillaume checked their tickets and generally fussed about - it's a big responsibilty for him. He is also worried that the new human might forget he wants to be known as a dog, and call him a 'bear'......

Bye, bye, Cicely, you are such a little sweetheart

The trouble with Granny Annie is that she is such a softie.....she started the Orphanage as a bit if a gimmick to help promote the Grannys Attic shop, but now of course she has fallen in love with all the bears, and finds it hard when they are adopted into new homes!.....even though she knows it is the best thing for them! And it is definitely preferable that Cicely is leaving for somewhere quieter, as another new arrival has set the place in uproar!

This is Roxie......

Unfortunately, she is TWICE an orphan! This is because she originally came from and must have been adopted - but then, somehow, found herself adrift, and an orphan again!

Roxie has a profile at Orphan Bears and I hope they don't mind me copying some of it here:

Roxie sees herself as the coolest bear at the Orphanage, especially with her brightly coloured, tea cosy hat. Some people see her as very rebellious, and she is happy to go along with that, but actually she has had a hard life and really enjoys being cared for and loved.
Roxie’s favourite saying is, “Don’t be a koala, bud.”

But Granny Annie prefers not to judge and make up her own mind about new bears at the Attic Orphanage...... but already she can see that Roxie is trouble with a capital T!!!

Her daring and naughty exploits mean that Tara and Bella think she is wonderful, and have started to copy her..... and as Pinky and Perky copy Tara and Bella - they are getting influenced too! Radcliffe has also been enticed away...... and I found them smoking something herby and pungent behind the garden shed -disgraceful!...... and Rosie is in tears! 

and now there's a lot of yelling going can see why Granny Annie is glad Cicely is not here to be disturbed (well I know Cicely is deaf, but she is very sensitive to bad vibes!)

Roxie's profile - please someone adopt this wayward girl and give me my nice quiet Orphanage back again!

Adoption Details:

Name: Roxie

Age: 11 going by the label (15 going by behaviour!!!)

Physical Characteristics: Roxie is  a wonderful burnt orange colour plush underneath, with shaggy darker brown bits.  She has black 'boot button' eyes and a shiny smooth thread nose. She has black plaits in afro-caribbean dreadlocks style and a stripey woolly hat - which has gone a bit bobbley and could easily be snipped off if you prefer. Black velvety pads, with 'Roxie' embroidered in gold on her left foot.  She is in good clean condition.

Size:  about 12 inches. 

Label: Orphan Bears 2003.

Personalities/Likes/Dislikes: Roxie is currently a 'devil may care' wild young teenager bear. She'd hate you to mention it but actually she has a very sweet face (and those cute dreadlocks!) and probably has a sweet personality underneath it all. She hates being told what to do, has a very messy bedroom of the 'floor-drobe' variety and says she despises The Establishment (while still enjoying all that a comfortable home can provide)

Past History:  Not really known but it can't have been too bad as Roxie's spirit is not crushed and she always has a little smile on her face!

Ideal Home:  Somewhere fun and groovy, but with a human or family who's prepared to keep to some sensible boundaries!


Nisbet is in his own little bubble - his latest fantasy is inviting Joy to dinner - and she accepting!

 It's a bit hazy at the moment, but his imagination adds a candle and all becomes clearer.....

But the worrying part of this mind is saying 'But what if Joy does like black bears......but prefers someone more scintillating with a sparkling wit?'


Perhaps a golden-tongued, golden bear like Butterscotch? Could he be a rival?

or, worst of all..... a debonair version of Harry!

 Come on Nisbet - man up! I mean, bear up! .... in both senses of the phrase!
Faint heart never won fair lady, you know!

Dream, dream, dream, whenever I want you all I have to do is ..... dream......

Joy, of course, has her own dreams........ but Harry is a doer not a dreamer and has just gone out to dig the garden....and throw away the ends of those disgusting smelly things that Roxie and Radcliffe were smoking .....

Granny Annie very much wants as many as the Orphanage Bears adopted and settled for Christmas. All the three sets of twins, Theo, Cornelius and his family, and Roxie will be put up for adoption on ebay very shortly after this blog is published. The other bears are still in the Attic shop and can be adopted from there (in fact ALL of the bears except for Tara & Bella and Roxie are in the Attic shop still). Or just contact me, Granny Annie, direct at or through the Groovycart Grannys Attic shop. Tara & Bella's adoption fee is £18.99 and Roxie's is £14.99. All fees include My Hermes travelling expenses.

To be cont.......